
Our history

Onze winkel
Mr. Biermans hobby as a Ham radio operator turned out to be the foundation for HAJÉ Electronics. Mister and Misses Biermans started HAJÉ Electronics in 1979. Mister Biermans did choose the name HAJÉ by using the first letters of the first names of the four family members. In the early years the focus was on communication products for the Ham radio world.

Over the years the business expanded and besides Ham radio products and accessories they have a full line of electronic components and products for the hobbyist and professional. If you have an interest in Electronic related components and accessories you will have a great time checking out our store.

Here is just a small sample of the products HAJÉ Electronics has to offer:
Communication equipment for individuals as well for companies, just to name a few: Handhelds/Mobile Transcievers, Motorcycle driving lesson handhelds with the accompanied receivers. We have Shortwave, VHF/UHF Transmit Receivers, 27mc-CB radio and scanners of all major brands. Also we carry all kinds of antennas.
Computer accessories like cables, adapters, computer hardware and ink cartridges.
Electronic parts from SMD to HF components, from Resistors to Integrated Circuits and all necessary parts like a very large assortment of connectors, all kinds of cables and so on.

We offer Digital TV reception via Satellite, Ether and cable.
Technical literature such as books on scanner, frequencies, satellite, VHF / SHF, and much more.
Also we offer communication accessories for Cell phone and DSL but also landline telephone stations.

We stock Electrical parts from PVC pipe too electrical outlets for in the wall and on the wall mount. Further we have a huge selection of Lamps including but not limited to Halogen. Big selections of all kinds of cable from speaker cable, 220V Cable but also, for example, a cable for your iron.
Of course customer satisfaction, service and warranty is our number one goal. HAJÉ Electronics is well known in The Netherlands and Belgium and services individuals, Companies and institutions.

A free parking is also available on our spacious private parking area.
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